Eubiz provides you one to one consultation service solutions that allow you to quickly and compliantly establish a legal firm in China. We have lucubrated a variety of industries of Chinese market, can provide professional guidance to accomplish with your China company registration and business strategies in China.
Through each phase of your Chinese business expansion, we support your efforts to maintain employment and business affairs compliance in accordance with Chinese laws and regulations. This allows you to be successfully guided China company registration, payroll services, tax compliance, and business growth.
1. Choose the preferred China company business scope
According to your business strategies and plans of China company registration, You need to provide and tell us what kind of business that you plan to operate in China. This will be indicated in your Chinese business certificate.
To learn more about China business landscape, we recommend you viewing the Catalog for the Guidance of Foreign Investment Industries. This resource is regularly updated, with the China government encouraging investors that prioritize innovation.
2. Prepare all necessary paperworks
To gain approval to begin operating your China company, you first need to prepare a number of relevant documents. The following are the most required documents:
a) Company name
To obtain a company name, we advise that you gain approval from the Administration of Industry and Commerce. This is a vital step to ensure that your business name does not conflict with any existing businesses. We can help you check the usability of your China company name if you partner with us. This approval process can take between 2 and 15 days, depending on the location in which you wish to operate.
b) The details of controlling partners
These are the details of the shareholders who hold the major shares in the company that you are incorporating. To avoid future complications, it is recommended you confirm that relevant business partners are able to hold shares in China.
c) The management structure
This is a comprehensive business operational profile. It should include the board of directors, general manager, supervisors, and legal representatives. This structure needs to be be accompanied by copies of the directors’ passports. If a firm as the shareholders or investors of your China company, it requires mother company’s business certificate and the authentication of authorization for China company registration.
d) The legal address
This must be the official address of the company. As such, it needs to be the address where authorities can seek answers to any potential issues. The address needs to include information such as a phone number and email address of the property owner. We can help you rent office or virtual office address.
e) Articles of Association
This is an extremely important document to complete during your China company registration. This document contains crucial information detailing your business plans and the scopes that you wish to operate in. To complete the document, you should provide an overview of your business, including the management profile and the methods that will be utilized to return profits.
f) Registered capital and total investment
The registered capital pertains to resources that are dedicated to meeting the expenses of running the company. The total investment is the sum of registered capital, as well as future loans from investors.
g) A feasibility study
To prove to authorities that your China company registration is feasible, you should provide a detailed business plan that includes a budget. This will demonstrate that the registered capital can properly finance operations. If authorities have doubts over your feasibility study, your company registration will not be approved. This is why you should partner with an agency to draft a professional feasibility study document.
3. Apply for a certificate of approval
To be issued with a certificate of approval and operating license, you need to liaise with two departments: The State Administration of Finance (SAIC) and the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM). These authorities will review your application details and inform you if the certificate has been approved or declined.
4. Submit an application for a business licence
After you have received your certificate of approval, you will most likely require additional licenses. This will depend on the industry in which you are operating. In China, businesses that operate in construction, manufacturing, telecommunication, and hospitality require additional licenses.
5. Register your business in the Public Security Bureau (PBS)
This China company registration will enable your business to obtain company chops. In China, company chops are equivalent to the value of a signature in western countries. If you do not have a chop, you will be unable to validate any contract.
6. Apply for a bank account
To begin operating your business in China, it must have a connected bank account. A Chinese business bank account enables your company to receive payments and to pay expenses.
7. Register in the tax bureau
In China, all businesses, including wholly foreign-owned enterprises, must comply with the relevant tax regulations. It’s recommended that you first register your company’s basic financial and operating information. We can hire a tax agency for your business.
8. Register in the labour bureau
When your China company starts to operate, you need to register your employees in labour bureau and pay social insurances(e.g. old-age, medical, occupational injury insurances, etc.)
9. Register in customs office
If your China company has import & export business, it needs to register in customs office and get approval for some products.
While the Chinese government has made a lot of effort into supporting businesses, we must indicate that China company registration is not a simple task. From the interpretation of the company laws to preparing the required paperworks, the process can be overwhelming. But this should not stop your resolve to expand to China. The best option is cooperated with an agency.
Eubiz Ltd, we run by professionals have helped many international investors with company registration in China. So, we know the best steps that you should follow, and the mistakes to avoid. You will complete the registration faster, professionally, and enjoy every step work with us.
In addition to helping you with company incorporation in China, we will also come to assist you with the following:
Recruit employees
Rent office
Tax advise
Tax minimization methods
Support for the annual financial statements
Brand advertising
Digital marketing
We specialize in the localized Chinese marketing services and help your business succeed in China.
Our team is always ready to help. If you’ve got any questions, just send us an email and tell us your needs, or fill out the contact form. We promise to get back to you quickly.